Sales Affiliate Program

International Sales Affiliate

An International sales affiliate promotes the sale of a range of financial products. This can include credit cards, capital placement, and loans. You can promote these services to customers from around the world through your social media profiles or website.

What is an International Sales Affiliate?

An International Sales Affiliate is a global business opportunity that allows you to work from home, earn extra income and create a better quality of life for yourself and your family.

This program is for people of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels. You don’t need any special training or education to succeed with this opportunity!

Who is interested in becoming an International Sales Affiliate?

If you have an interest in becoming an International Sales Affiliate, this article is for you.
International Sales Affiliate is a great way to earn an income from home and learn about the industry. You’ll be able to make money by selling people on the idea that they should invest in your country’s economy. The best part? It doesn’t require any experience or knowledge of finance—just some research and writing skills!

How does the International Sales Affiliate program work?

The first step to joining the program is to sign up to be an International Sales Affiliate by clicking on the following link:

Once you’ve done that, we’ll send you an email with some helpful information about how to get started as well as some tips and tricks for marketing your business.

Once you have an approved business profile, it’s time to start finding customers! If you’re already an expert at sales or marketing (or both), this part will be easy for you–just follow our step-by-step guide on how best sell international funding products online.

If not…don’t worry! We provide plenty of training material so that anyone can learn how best market themselves online as an affiliate with

Key Benefits of being an International Sales Affiliate

● Easy to get started.
● No long-term contracts. You can cancel at any time with a 30-day notice period.
● Lots of support from our team! We have an extensive knowledge base, live chat support and a dedicated affiliate manager who will be there for you every step of your journey as an affiliate salesperson with us.
● You get paid when deals get funded! Your earnings are generated based on the commission generated by deals that you refer that get funded. You will earn 1/2 of the commission that CGFS receives from the client.

Who can become an International Sales Affiliate?

Anyone who is interested in becoming an international sales affiliate can join. You could be a stay at home mom, someone who just lost their job and needs some extra money, or an experienced salesperson looking for a challenge. The main thing you need is the desire to learn. If you want to make money online, then this is the place for you! Our goal is to help everyone succeed by teaching them how to sell products and services directly from their own websites or blogs using our training system as well as our tools:


● You are not required to have any experience in the field of sales or marketing.
● The program is very easy to join and understand, even for those with no previous knowledge in this area.
● You can follow the program easily, because it has been designed for everyone who wants to make money online by promoting an affiliate product/service. There’s no need for special skills or technical knowledge — just follow the instructions given by our team!
● The affiliate program we offer is so simple that you won’t even have any problem using it or promoting it on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (or any other platform). In fact, we’ve made sure that everything related with our affiliate program is easy peasy lemon squeezy!


We’re excited to see you on the inside! We believe in our program, and we know that it will help you get started making money as an international funding sales affiliate. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then sign up today!

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To apply to be an affiliate please click on the following link: